If you’re in the market for auto insurance, you’ll need to decide whether to get your car insurance policy from an independent or captive insurance agent. Many people choose Magic City Insurance Group LLC, serving Birmingham, AL because they appreciate the benefits of working with an independent insurance agent.
This article explains how independent insurance agents differ from captive insurance agents. This information can simplify your search for car insurance!
What Is An Independent Insurance Agent?
An independent insurance agent works with a variety of insurance carriers. Independent insurance agents can shop around until they find the right policy for their customers. This differs from a captive insurance agent, who only works with one insurance carrier, resulting in limited customer options.
Two Reasons to Choose an Independent Insurance Agent for Your Car Insurance Policy
There are several benefits to choosing an independent insurance agent, including:
- Ability to shop around for the right price and policy. If you’re committed to finding a policy that suits you, your independent insurance agent can do the shopping for you.
- Acting in your best interests. Captive insurance agents often have quotas from their carriers and may not always act in their customers’ best interests. Independent insurance agents aren’t tied to a single agency and can help customers find the policy that is truly the best fit for them.
Need An Independent Insurance Agent for Your Car Insurance? Call Today
At Magic City Insurance Group LLC, serving Birmingham, AL, we help our customers connect with policies that meet their needs. To start shopping for your car insurance, call us today.